Medizinische Expertise

Gert Mayer

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gert Mayer

Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Nephrologie, Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin IV - Nephrologie und Hypertensiologie
Anichstraße 35, 6020 Innsbruck

1977                Matura; BG and BRG Wieselburg / Niederösterreich         
1977 - 1983            Medical School; University Vienna
1984 - 1991     Training Internal Medicine; 2nd Department Internal Medicine, University Clinics Vienna 
1989 – 1991        Max-Kade research fellowship Austria Academy of Science Department of Nephrology / Universität Stanford 
1992                Postdoctoral Lecturing Qualification Internal Medicine
1993                Qualification Subspecialty Nephrology
1994    Postgraduate Course for Medical Executive Managers; Faculty of Medicine; University of Vienna

1991 - 1999            Senior Physician Division of Nephrology and Dialysis,
             Department of Internal Medicine III/University Clinics Vienna
1997            Award „Außerordentlicher Universitätsprofessor“
1999    Appointment Professor of Medicine with special emphasis on Nephrology; Innsbruck University 
1999 -    Head Dialysetrainingszentrum Innsbruck
1999 – 2008    Head Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, University/Medical University Innsbruck
2003    „tertio loco“ Professor of Nephrology Universität Erlangen
2008 -     Head; Department of Internal Medicine IV (Nephrology and Hypertension), Cluster Internal Medicine, Medical University Innsbruck
2010 - 2017                Head Dialysetrainingszentrum Zams
2013 - 2018                Chair Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University Innsbruck
2013 -    Visiting Professor Northern Jiangsu People´s Hospital; Clinical Medical School of Yangzhou

Scientific activity
Publications (peer review)     total: >250, total impact factor > 1.200, citations > 6.000    
further activities
University administration         
2003 - 2008    Member and from 2005 Chairman of the permanent Venia Docendi Committee (Habilitationskommission)
2008 -            Trusted Third Party of the Senate for "Good Scientific Practice"
2010 -     Member of the Appraisal Committee for Joint Procurement Innsbruck Medical University/TILAK
2010 -                Member Senate
2010 -     Member of the A2 Career Track Positions Committee
2016 -                Chair Senate Medical University Innsbruck

Societies and bodies
1995 -                 Executive Committee Austria Society of Nephrology
2000 -                Expert Committee Nephrology Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
2005 – 2007            President Austrian Society of Nephrology
1997 -                 Executive Committee Austria Hypertension Society
2002 – 2004             President Austrian Hypertension Society
2002 - 2007                Austrian Delegate Eurotransplant Kidney Advisory Committee
2013 - 2016            Ordinary Council Member EDTA – ERA
2016                President 53Rd Congress of EDTA ERA
2018-                President Austrian Society of Internal Medicine

Journals (Editorial Board)
2003 – 2008            Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation
2006 -                Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten
2007 -                Kidney and Blood Pressure Research    
2008 -                European Journal of Clinical Investigation
2010 -                Nephro News
2012 -                Der Nephrologe    

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